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Dental Therapy

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Fractured And Cracked Teeth

Today, people live longer, and dentists work hard to make sure that people maintain their teeth healthier for a long time. Our teeth are exposed to long years of crack today because of our habits like grinding, clenching and chewing hard things like ice can cause fractures and cracks in teeth. Cracked teeth often do not appear on x-rays, diagnosis becomes difficult in such situations.

The patient visits dental office complaining about intense pain while chewing in a specific area of the mouth, but it is seen that patients cannot figure out which tooth is causing the trouble. It is normally the molar teeth in the back, which becomes an apparent rationale for the dental expert as they would ask the patient to bite on a piece of hardwood placed on the surface of the suspected area. The dentist may not be able to detect any problem with the teeth on x-ray sometimes. Dentists would like to explore normal tooth sometimes which has no fillings or decay. But it is likely to be a tooth with filling at times, having no apparent problems. Nothing looks wrong, but the patient still feels the pain when he bites. Shar pain from pressure along with no apparent signs of any problem with the tooth is a sign of cracked tooth syndrome.


The dentist with the help of an instrument that sits on the part of the tooth can verify the deduction clearly. There will be severe pain often when pressure is applied on only one specific part of the tooth and not to the rest of them. If the tooth has a crack in it, movement of the affected part starts causing pain. The other portions are non-painful when the same pressure is applied. This may not be visible to the naked eye, hence the dentist uses a special instrument to verify the problem.

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