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Dental Therapy

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Things To Know About Root Canal Dental Treatment

A root canal is a term used to describe the natural cavity inside the tooth where pulp or pup is found, it is a soft area. The nerves of the tooth which is sensitive can be found inside the root canal. If that area gets injured because or infected because of tooth decay, repeated fillings, dental procedures or broken tooth, the tissue and nerves of the pulp diet which could cause infection when bacteria begins to accumulate and so it has to be removed. If not treated, the nearby tissues might get infected as well which will lead to bone loss, toot abscess around the root tip, swelling might spread to neck, head and face and appearance of the hole on the side of the teeth which might cause the problem of drainage into cheek, skin or gums.


Unlike in the old days when a tooth had to be extracted when it got infected, there is a special process called endodontic treatment or root canal where a tooth can be saved from removal. Root canal treatment involves saving and repairing the infected tooth by extracting the nerves and pulp and then saving it by cleaning and sealing the inside area of the tooth. Then a crown is placed over the tooth to make it strong. This is the most common dental treatment throughout the world.

There are many advantages of saving a natural tooth-like efficient chewing, protects other teeth from wear and strain, prevents jaw problems and you dot have to wear artificial teeth/tooth. This branch of dentistry specifically deals with diseases of the pulp of the tooth and surrounding tissues, this branch is called endodontics. Root canal therapy can be performed by general dentists, but if the problem is complicated then you may be referred to an endodontist. They are the specialist that have to go through specialized training and studies that deal only with root canal procedures.

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